The Dippy

Blackberries, trees & important habitats

The Dippy is an important and valuable space to the south of Frome town centre – a well-used link to the residential areas on this side of the town, but also a destination in its own right, offering opportunities for informal recreation, conservation & play.

We manage The Dippy in conjunction with the local volunteers of the Dippy & Greenspaces Group, and there are always opportunities to get involved with a variety of practical outdoor tasks here.

Getting here

Access from Long Ground/New Buildings is up (or down!) a steep slope. Access from The Mount is fairly steep too, via the recently improved steps.

The walk across the site is gentler, taking you from Adderwell to Culver Hill (and back again) on a gradual slope.

And the crossroads in the middle means you get to and from The Dippy in all sorts of ways!

Things to do

  • Fun & games in the wooded areas to the east of the site
  • Blackberry picking. Mmm… crumbles & pies
  • Wildlife spotting, including birds & butterflies
  • Conservation tasks & Ranger Days – meet new people; get out; get active & learn new skills
  • Explore more! Pick up one of the public footpaths in the area to go a bit further… A route joining footpaths 34, 32 & 30 would take you down towards the railway line via beautiful, riverside fields, coming back in past the allotments on Critchill Lane