October Wellness Masterclass on managing sleep naturally.
Explore best nutrition hacks, lifestyle tools and techniques to get some quality sleep every night, not just on holiday. This interactive masterclass is a mixture of fun science facts and practical and easy lifestyle tips.
Has it been months since you had a solid night of deep sleep? Can’t remember last time you recharged your batteries properly? Would love to have more energy and wake up refreshed every morning?
If that sounds like you, this workshop was designed for you!
Even if the external circumstances do not change, we are able to change our internal and physical resilience levels to respond to the environment. The good news is, that even the smallest changes in your diet and day-to-day life can have a huge impact on your shut-eye quality, your performance and interactions with the world. Did you know that there are certain foods and supplements that can help you fall into sweet dreams, easily?
– Discover what and when you eat (or don’t eat) could be causing you to be staring at the ceiling at 1am, worrying about not getting enough sleep (again)
– Learn diet and lifestyle hacks to ‘make the bed’ for nourishing zzzz’s
– Master simple tools and techniques to help you fall asleep, stay asleep and sleep deeply every night.
Excellent! Fun, informative and useful. Honest and informed approach- Louise, Frome
My name is Milda and I coach women to overcome emotional eating, ‘bad’ food habits and towards creating liberating lives in the present moment. I am also a registered Nutritional Therapist (DipCNM, mBANT, rCNHC), who is fascinated by the body and mind connection, green tea and the trees of the West Country.
10 /10- Very useful and inspiring info. Thank you!- Emma, Frome
– A brief intro into the science behind sleep and why it’s NOT a good idea to watch the news before bed
– Some surprising foods and supplements that may be contributing towards or taking away your precious sleep yours
– Lifestyle factors that might be making you lose sleep and what to do to change them now
– Fill up your toolkit with a solid plan to turn to when you just can’t sleep
– Ask some questions you always wanted to ask about supplements, protein and sleeping pills (among others).
I had the pleasure of listening to Milda at the CNM Open Day and thoroughly enjoyed her talk on ‘Food for the nervous system’. She clearly knows her stuff on the foods to eat and which ones to avoid for optimal health.~ Farhnan, Bristol
Lovely teas and a goody bag is included in the price.
£10 early bird (limited number available)
Also available:
Thursday 25th October 7:30- 9pm