What if you and your neighbours could change the world?
Join us for this free Neighbourhood Network event in person or online to find out how you can.
Neighborocracy has been spreading from its roots in Tamilnadu and Kerala (southern India) for almost fifty years. Now it’s being used across Europe as a way of organising local democratic mutual aid: a viable way to respond to the climate crisis, cost of living crisis, energy crisis, and the other crises of our time.
Learn the history and the basics of the model, get a chance to connect with the larger movement, and ask questions of people who are doing it.
Teachers include Joseph Rathinam, a Neighborocracy expert with thirty years experience of training others around the world and practicing in his own neighbourhood in southern India, and Nathaniel Whitestone, a certified Sociocracy expert with twenty five years experience in ethical business and sustainable community organising in North America and Europe.