Feldenkrais Method with Jackie Adkins

The Feldenkrais Method is a uniquely powerful approach to learning to move with greater ease. It is useful for people who have specific difficulties such as back pain, tension or recovery from injury. It is also of interest to those who want to increase their potential – as a person and also in activities such as sport, playing a musical instrument, yoga, dance and horse-riding. It can also be of benefit to people who have suffered from a stroke or other neurological conditions.
“Move with Ease”
9:30am – 10:45am Tuesday, Cheese and Grain (upstairs)
7pm – 8:15pm Thursday, Avanti Park School (yoga studio)
Discover easier movement for everyday life in this gentle floor-based movement class. During the course you will learn how to release long held patterns of tension by paying attention to your sensations while being guided through specially designed movement sequences, with the aim of uncovering more comfortable, fluid ways to move.
The Feldenkrais Method® is a uniquely powerful approach to learning to move with greater ease. The class is suitable for all ages and abilities, although you must be able to get down to, and up from the floor unaided. Classes are helpful for those with back pain, tension and mobility issues, as well as those wishing to improve an existing activity such as sport, yoga, playing a musical instrument, horse riding or dance.
Classes are offered in six week blocks. See website for details of dates and prices.
Workshops and online courses
Jackie offers a range of online and in person workshops and courses. Please see her website for more information.
Meet the teacher
Jackie’s background is in dance. Having taught dance and movement in many a community, adult and higher education settings in London during the 1990s, she discovered the Feldenkrais Method, after suffering with debilitating back pain for some time. She found her way onto a 4 year professional training programme, during which time her back pain disappeared. She graduated from the Amsterdam International Feldenkrais Training in 2002.
Jackie lived in North East Scotland where she ran her Feldenkrais practice for 9 years until 2014, when she re-located to Frome. She has full membership of the Feldenkrais Guild UK.