‘Ghost Voices’ is a new and original play written and directed by Georgiana Neilson-Toy, a graduate of Bath Spa University with a degree in Drama Studies. Georgiana has over thirteen years’ experience in many areas of drama practice; not only is she a writer and director but actor, film maker, actors agent, workshop facilitator and a regular drama leader for the Merlin Theatre’s Saturday 8-12 year old children’s club.
‘Ghost Voices’ brings history to life and is an exciting, funny, scary but thoroughly entertaining professional theatre show.
Georgiana plays Ellen Blithe, a historian who often gives interesting talks about history and tells ghost stories to her captivated audiences, but one night her tales come alive – or should I say dead!
In one evening you will experience: a mystery, a promise, and ultimately, atonement and whatever else occurs, prepare to be haunted!
Recommended 12+
Running time 1 hour 45 mins
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