Many of us feel powerless in the face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Artists for Ukraine is a community that supports the effort to raise funds for displaced Ukrainians.
Our first auction will be held online and in-person at Black Swan Arts in Frome between 1st – 24th April 2022 and features over 30 local artists who have donated works.
So far Frome has raised money to go towards Frome’s twin town Rabka-Zdrój in Poland who have been taking in refugees. Funds are now being used to support those hosting refugees in Frome.
Funds raised will provide shelter and food for Ukrainian refugees.
Auction bids can be made from 1st April either online on in person.
Find out more via their Instagram feed
We are in the process of redeveloping the Discover Frome website, and invite you to share your views on the current site with us.