Ayeasha Hazarika MBE started her career as a stand-up comedian playing clubs across the country. She then took what she thought was a natural diversion into the Labour Party as a Special Adviser working for Gordon Brown, Harriet Harman and Ed Miliband.
Since leaving front-line politics she’s become a much sought after commentator writing for the FT, Guardian, Evening Standard, New Statesman and Grazia.
Ayesha has also returned to her stand-up roots. Her one-woman show ‘Tales from the Pink Bus’ was a sell-out hit at the 2016 Edinburgh festival and she’s been in huge demand on TV and radio recently starring as a guest on Matt Forde’s Unspun for Dave. Further credits include regular appearances on Good Morning Britain (ITV), Sky Papers (Sky News), The Andrew Marr Show (BBC1), Newsnight (BBC2), The Agenda (ITV) and The Today Programme (BBC Radio 4).
Ayesha lifts the lid on what life’s really like behind the scenes at Westminster with brutal honesty and humour and asks what’s next for British politics.
‘The State of the Nation’ is one of the best things to come out of British politics in a long time.
Recommended 14+ | Running time 70 mins + 15 minute interval
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