Business Breakfast Talk with Jose Richart
Our next breakfast event will focus on ‘Growing your Business with Exporting’. International Trade Advisor Jose Richart will lead a presentation on the the benefits and challenges of exporting, and the support and advice available from UKTI and Enterprise Europe Network.
The event starts at 8:30am with a light breakfast and refreshments giving you a great opportunity to network with other delegates before the presentation begins at 9am. Jose would also like to offer 20 minute 1:1 sessions for those interested in finding out more indepth information after his talk.
Please book as spaces are limited.
Breakfast, £5.00 payable to The Refectory Cafe on arrival.
Limited parking is available in our car park adjacent to the building. As we are accessed from Park Road please see directions on our website in order to find us
To book tickets go to Breakfast Networking @ Forward – Growing Your Business with Exporting
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