Something Underground presents Children of the Revolution
Welcome… to Tomorrow’s World.
The Children of the 70s saw life change radically. Now you can too.
From the creator of The Spirit of Woodstock… the next chapter… From Space Invaders to Star Wars, glam rock to punk, flares to safety pins, Wilson to Thatcher, Apollo to Skylab & The Shuttle, OPEC to queues at petrol stations.
From Bloody Sunday to Power Sharing, power cuts to 3 day weeks, disco… to the winter of discontent.
From main frames to Apples, post strikes to email. Old money to decimal, past VAT, into the EU and up the butter mountains.
From The Cold War to the Cod Wars to The Godfather and more… with music, soundscapes and platform shoes to remind you of good times and bad.
A highly dynamic and energetic theatre collage of the stories, the time, the people, the music.
A romp through the 70s.
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