Welcoming Mums, Dads, Kids, Aunties, Uncles and Godparents! Come and share your ‘kitchen dance floor moves’ together with others in this brilliant Frome community! Tell your friends with kids as well.
Seriously, all ages welcome! However the average age is 0 – 8 years. Sessions come alive in response to the children and the young child in you, imaginative story play using themes like the elements, the animal kingdom and mystical creatures are playfully combines with the freedom to dance to great music!
You don’t need any experience, you simply get to move exactly as you are, with the music and your imagination. I hold the event with my ten years experience of children’s yoga and imaginative story play in a way where you, as the parent, get to let your hair down and remember the fun in being you. Of course, at the same time you’ll be nurturing your family’s well being.
Lead and DJ-ayed by myself, Sophie. Playing music to suit all ages from all genres. Encouragement to play, to stop and relax and then to play again… Intuitive guidance to make all children and adults feel included.