What is a Health Walk?
A regular walk to help your well-being. It will help you to feel good, to have more energy, to sleep better and to manage your weight. All walks are free of charge and are led by a team of Volunteer Walk Leaders. There are varying lengths of walks for you to choose from. If it’s your first health walk in a while, try a shorter route first and then chat to a Walk Leader when you think you are ready to do a bit more.
Friday 28th July – 10.15 am for a 10.30 am start. Gare Hill and Yarnfield with Peter. Park carefully on Stourton Road, 250 yards south of Gare Hill Church BA11 5EY. 3.5 miles, two stiles. Undulating through mixed woodland, can be gnarly in places.
Refreshments and toilets unavailable.
These walks can be muddy/slippery if wet or has been wet, so please wear suitable footwear. A car share scheme is available, for information please call 01749 341128.