Enjoy another wonderful season of opera, jazz and intimate cloister concerts in the magical setting of the Peto Gardens at Iford Manor, Iford. This year’s operatic line-up includes Candide (26, 29, 30 May and 2, 5 June 2018), Partenope (23, 26, 28, 30 July and 3, 4 August), and Madame Butterfly (21, 24, 26, 28, 31 July and 2, 4 August); as well as the much-loved Prom series (The Peto Prom, 9 June; The Midsummer Prom, 6 July and The Final Fling, 7 July). Pack a picnic and relax in the Manor’s dreamlike grounds.
Opera tickets: £126-£130
Prom tickets: £35