The Fillers are the world’s first and best tribute to The Killers. Formed in late 2006 in the small town of Fabulous Bury St. Edmunds in the UK, where The Killers had their initial success. Having interacted with the Killers themselves at close quarters they’ve captured an unrivalled sound, look and feel of the Vegas quartet, performing tracks from Hot Fuss, Sam’s Town, Sawdust, Day & Age, Battleborn and Wonderful Wonderful.
Having been lauded by The Killers themselves, The Fillers have an unrivalled attention to detail. From ALL of the various fully functioning keyboard stands used by Brandon Flowers to the same instruments including vintage Fender Starcasters, custom built Hiwatt amps, Craviotto Drums and Nord Keyboards, the band has THE authentic Killers look and sound.
The band have played for venues and festivals all over the globe, including the USA, Mexico, The Dominican Republic, The Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Italy, Spain, and The Channel Islands.
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