Trio Paradis – Jacquelyn Bevan – piano, Lisa Betteridge – violin & Linda Stocks – cello – play a lunchtime Café Concert at Christ Church on the first Thursday lunchtime of each month at 1.45pm. Bring your lunch and visit the pop-up café from 1.15pm for tea & home-made cakes and a chat!
For June we have a Family Concert, Birds & Beasts – a musical menagerie, with numbers from The Carnival of the Animals alongside Disney tunes.
The concert lasts about 45 minutes and is suitable for all ages, including families.
Entrance is by donation with a retiring collection. For programme visit
Doors open at 1.15pm for tea, coffee and home-made cakes. Free entry with donations invited.
Booking is not necessary – just turn up. Bring a cushion!
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