On Friday February 24, Abed Salayma from Youth Against Settlements will be speaking in Frome at the invitation of Frome Friends of Palestine. He comes from Hebron, a West Bank city where apartheid is already in force. Over 160,000 Palestinians live here, but their lives are controlled, restricted and manipulated by the Israeli army to suit the convenience of around 700 militant Israeli settlers. In 1994 an American-born Israeli settler went berserk, and killed 29 Palestinians at prayer in a mosque. The response of the Israeli authorities was to more or less close Shuhuda Street – to Palestinians! Yes, you read that right. As the result of an atrocity committed by a settler, the local population has been banned from its own high street.
Abed himself actually lives on Shuhuda street next to a checkpoint and teaches English at the Qurtouba school, right in thick of it. For children and teachers alike every day is a nightmare of checks and harassment just to get to school. This is topical stuff. One talk not to miss.
Friday February 24, St Catharine’s Hall, Park St Frome BA11 1EU. Starts 7:30, entry by donation.
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