
A signpost next to the river in Frome town centre, pointing to local streets and attractions

Our interactive map on this page will let you take a quick glance at what there is to see and do in and around Frome. Use the categories to browse for attractions, accommodation or tourist information and other services.

Frome Tourist Map for Discover Frome

You can also download our town centre map or if you’re in town get a copy from the Discover Frome Information Point or Frome Town Hall.

If you’re wandering around the town centre, most places are accessible on foot, although you can always hire ebikes to get up the hills more easily. For more information on getting around, visit our transport page.

Be sure to visit our Things to do section to get a better idea of what you can do while visiting Frome, including arts and entertainment, shopping, markets, food and history. Our accommodation page will also help you find a place to stay.

For walking maps, take a look at our Town & Local Walks page.

You’re Welcome

The You’re Welcome scheme enables you to use the loos and refill your water bottles at a number of locations throughout Frome. Find the participating locations in the toilets and refill tabs below.


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