Wild about nature – build a planting wigwam

green beans planted by homemade wigwamThe sunny weather has finally arrived which makes it the perfect opportunity to get out in your garden and create something special, like this planting wigwam for beans, peas, sweet peas or other climbing flowers. It’s a free and easy way to enjoy the outdoors and get the whole family involved in something new.

You will need:

  • Long sticks (use garden canes,  or why not collect sticks on your next walk?)
  • Organic peat-free compost
  • Trowel
  • Bean, pea or sweet pea plants
  • Some garden twine or string.

What to do:

  1. Find the perfect space – best place for this garden addition is a sunny spot straight on the grass
  2. Take your long sticks and make a wigwam shape with an opening one side
  3. Once you have your basic structure use some garden twine to tie it together
  4. Use some smaller branches to slot together at the top and create more structure
  5. Make it secure and safe from the weather by digging the sticks firmly into the ground
  6. Dig a hole by the bottom of each stick and drop in some organic peat free compost
  7. Time to plant your seedling – make sure you give them a good water
  8. Regularly water and watch them grow!

Head back here next month for the next Wild About Nature activity and don’t forget to take a photo of your wigwams and tag us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.
