guided walks

Events Calendar Round-Up: September 2024

September, of course, means opportunities for many – be it back to school, first days at nursery, moving …

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Coleford Canal – Walking Festival

Part of Frome Walking Festival – 18 walks over 3 days.  This walk goes from Coleford to Edford and back, …

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Plants and Their Uses

Part of Frome Walking Festival – 18 walks over 3 days.  This 2-mile walk will teach you about the native …

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War Graves – Walking festival

Part of Frome Walking Festival – 18 walks over 3 days.  This moderate 2-mile walk will visit Frome’s Commonwealth War …

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A Very Short Walk Around the Long History of Frome – Walking Festival

Part of Frome Walking Festival – 18 walks over 3 days.  If you love hearing about local history but don’t …

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Save the date for Great Big Green Week!

The Great Big Green Week is set to return this summer, a UK-wide celebration of community action to tackle climate …

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Save the Date! Frome’s annual events wrapped

Save the date! 2024 is here and we’re settling in nicely. Now that we’re a few weeks in …

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Guided Walks

Discover Frome has launched regular light and informative guided walks, which will take place twice a week throughout …

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