Heritage Connectors

Welcome to the Heritage Connectors page. This is a new initiative launched in Frome to promote the health and wellbeing benefits of engaging with heritage.
This innovative project sits within Frome Medical Practice’s social prescribing and health coaching team, Health Connections Frome, with funding and support from Historic England.
The initiative offers members of the public free training as Heritage Connectors, who then signpost others in their communities to sources of information, including a directory listing all the local organisations delivering heritage and wellbeing activities.
These now well-known benefits include physical exercise gained through historic walks, social interaction from volunteering with a heritage organisation, or greater connection with a place or community by participating in local history groups.
If you are interested in becoming a Heritage Connector, to signpost others and also to discover what benefits it can bring yourself, visit the Health Connections Mendip website to find out more details about the free training sessions and when the next one will take place.